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For dieting phases, one might alternately combine stanozolol with a nonaromatizing steroid such as 150 mg per week of a trenbolone ester or 200-300 mg of Primobolan)for up to 18 months. This dosage is not a long term solution, as in the first few weeks it can cause a variety of unusual and potentially dangerous side effects, including depression, depression, somnolence (excessive sleeping), hypomania, depression, confusion, hyperactivity and/or aggression. As such, a dose reduction of 50-70% of the initial dose would be more suitable. A reduction on the order of half is also possible if one wants to avoid an excessive dependence pattern. One should also consider the use of another antiulcer drug (eg, prednisone) at a time (such as daily) so that the body can produce some tolerance to the effects, if necessary. The dose can be modified at various stages, in one example, one could use 150% less for the initial and then the initial dose could be gradually increased on to the second or third and so on to the end. The final dose could be increased with the same degree of regularity; however, even in this case the duration of the dieting should not be more than 6 months, so as to prevent the risk of hyperkalemia. The most important factor in dieting phases, especially in women, is that the use of steroids should be carefully monitored. Steroids can interact with certain drugs and can cause the same undesirable effects as those caused by heavy use; see for example the article 'Hysterectomy' and the accompanying references at the end of this article. 3.10. Steroids and Weight Loss Steroids affect appetite control in a way similar to caffeine (but without being psychoactive and also with a much reduced negative psychological effect); thus they serve as a temporary weight loss aid. The most important use of steroids is to keep one's body temperature below an optimum, where this temperature is maintained for 24 hours, ie, below the body temperature of 70°C. The body can also regulate body temperature by using the hypothalamic temperature-regulating centres in the brain (in the hypothalamus or in various regions of the pituitary, adrenal glands and pineal gland). This helps to avoid muscle wastage, and to retain lean-body stores in the liver. The pituitary gland can also regulate insulin secretion and secretion of cortisol. While this has a minor beneficial effect on fat accumulation (which is often reduced with diet and exercise), the pituitary glands can help to maintain stable blood sugar levels - especially so Similar articles: